
tbzblog is on facebook

Thanks to a dedicated reader, The Belize Zoo Blog is now included on Facebook.com's Blog Networks applications. What this did was encourage Tom to join Facebook, and it turns out that 9 independent Facebook users need to confirm him as author (though he is but one of several) before it will give the blog "authorship."

If you are on Facebook, feel free to add "Thomas Pasquarello" as a friend, and add the Blog Networks application so that you can confirm the authorship. (You can search the name in the search box and it will give you a choice to add him as a friend.) It seems like a good idea.

If you are not on Facebook, it is very easy to join, and it seems to be an ever-growing social networking platform, not just for teenagers and college students any more (although still very popular with those age groups!)

[Update: Thanks to a comment, you can get to the blog on the Facebook application HERE.]


Anonymous said...

It might help readers if you put a direct link to your blog page:


Anonymous said...

Anonymous, Good idea! Thanks - and done.